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10 Best Teenage Love Songs, Ranked (2023)

Ah, teenage love – the sweetest of rollercoasters! It’s that time when we feel invincible and vibrating with the beat of a thousand heartbeats, scribbling our emotions through playlists and mixtapes. Welcome aboard as we journey down memory lane, and dive into the 10 best Teenage Love Songs that make our hearts swell like tidal waves to this day.

Get ready to rediscover the magic of those unforgettable tunes that captured the essence of young love.

So sit tight, crank up the volume, and let’s get lost in the melodies of the stories we once knew by heart.

1. “Perfect” – Ed Sheeran (2017)

Album art
🎵 Song Name: Perfect
🧑 Artist: Ed Sheeran
💿 Album: ÷ (Deluxe)
📅 Release Date: 2017
🕒 Song Duration: 4 minutes 23 seconds

Ah, “Perfect” by Ed Sheeran from his 2017 album “÷ (Deluxe)” truly captures the essence of teenage love like no other song. Number 1 on our list, it beautifully portrays the innocence and passion that can only be found in the hearts of smitten youngsters.

Ed Sheeran narrates a love story that’s both timeless and touching. With lines like “now I know I have met an angel in person,” listeners are reminded of those dreamy days when love feels like an enchanting fairytale, making it a true anthem for starry-eyed lovers.

2. “Say You Won’t Let Go” – James Arthur (2016)

Album art
🎵 Song Name: Say You Won’t Let Go
🧑 Artist: James Arthur
💿 Album: Back from the Edge
📅 Release Date: 2016
🕒 Song Duration: 3 minutes 31 seconds

“Say You Won’t Let Go” is a heartwarming testament to teenage love with a raw and honest portrayal of emotions. James Arthur paints a vivid picture of a blossoming relationship that transcends time, highlighting enduring love and commitment.

The catchy melody and relatable lyrics strike a chord with listeners, inducing nostalgia of young love, while the promise in the line “I wanna stay with you until we’re grey and old” reflects a maturity beyond teenage years. Tugging at our heartstrings, “Say You Won’t Let Go” truly deserves the #2 spot on our list of best Teenage Love Songs.

Related:  10 Best Usher Love Songs of All Time, Ranked

3. “Wake Me Up” – Avicii (2013)

Album art
🎵 Song Name: Wake Me Up
🧑 Artist: Avicii
💿 Album: True
📅 Release Date: 2013
🕒 Song Duration: 4 minutes 7 seconds

Well folks, here we have an absolute gem at number 3 on our list of the best Teenage Love Songs: “Wake Me Up” by Avicii from his 2013 album “True.” A perfect blend of folk and EDM, the song captures the essence of young love and self-discovery. It highlights the feeling of being lost and naive as a teenager, yet finding solace in companionship.

With lines like “So wake me up when it’s all over, when I’m wiser and I’m older,” this song reminds us of that exciting, whirlwind adventure that defines our teenage years—anchored by love and life lessons learned.

4. “There’s Nothing Holdin’ Me Back” – Shawn Mendes (2017)

Album art
🎵 Song Name: There’s Nothing Holdin’ Me Back
🧑 Artist: Shawn Mendes
💿 Album: Illuminate (Deluxe)
📅 Release Date: 2017
🕒 Song Duration: 3 minutes 19 seconds

Welcome to another music review! Today, we’re diving into the catchy and heartfelt song “There’s Nothing Holdin’ Me Back” by Shawn Mendes from his 2017 album, “Illuminate (Deluxe)“. This track sits at an impressive number 4 on our list of the best Teenage Love Songs! The song encapsulates the exhilarating feeling of young love, while also highlighting that fearlessness and determination to pursue it.

With lyrics like “Oh, I’ve been shaking, I love it when you go crazy“, Shawn beautifully expresses that undeniable chemistry between two starstruck lovers. This song is truly a bop that’ll have you reminiscing your teenage romance!

5. “All of Me” – John Legend (2013)

Album art
🎵 Song Name: All of Me
🧑 Artist: John Legend
💿 Album: Love In The Future (Expanded Edition)
📅 Release Date: 2013
🕒 Song Duration: 4 minutes 30 seconds

Say hello to number 5 on our list: “All of Me” by John Legend from his 2013 album “Love In The Future (Expanded Edition).” This heartfelt ballad takes us on a journey through the highs and lows of teenage love, as Legend beautifully expresses his unwavering devotion to his lover. With lines like “you’re my end and my beginning, even when I lose I’m winning,” this song captures the pure, all-consuming emotion we all felt during those passionate teenage relationships.

Related:  10 Best Piano Love Songs of All Time, Ranked

So get ready to swoon and relive those cherished memories with “All of Me”!

6. “Stay With Me” – Sam Smith (2014)

Album art
🎵 Song Name: Stay With Me
🧑 Artist: Sam Smith
💿 Album: In The Lonely Hour
📅 Release Date: 2014
🕒 Song Duration: 2 minutes 53 seconds

“Stay With Me” by Sam Smith, from the 2014 album In The Lonely Hour, is an emotional and raw ode to the complexities of teenage love. In this song, Sam Smith expresses the vulnerability and fear of unrequited love, begging their love interest to stay even if it’s just for one more night.

The melodies and poignant lyrics in “Stay With Me” serve as a powerful anthem for teenagers grappling with the rollercoaster of emotions that comes with falling head over heels for someone new. With each note, this song captures the heart-wrenching beauty of young, uncertain love.

7. “Sign of the Times” – Harry Styles (2017)

Album art
🎵 Song Name: Sign of the Times
🧑 Artist: Harry Styles
💿 Album: Harry Styles
📅 Release Date: 2017
🕒 Song Duration: 5 minutes 41 seconds

Ah, “Sign of the Times” by Harry Styles – a captivating ballad that takes us on an emotional rollercoaster. At number 7 on our list of best Teenage Love Songs, this track dives deep into the complexities of young love and the inevitable heartache that often accompanies it.

Styles’ powerful vocals soar as he navigates the end of an era, acknowledging that moving on can feel like a tragedy. Yet, the song ultimately delivers a message of hope and resilience, encouraging listeners to persevere and embrace the next chapter of their lives.

8. “Closer” – The Chainsmokers (2016)

Album art
🎵 Song Name: Closer
🧑 Artist: The Chainsmokers
🧑 Featured Artist(s): Halsey
💿 Album: Closer
📅 Release Date: 2016
🕒 Song Duration: 4 minutes 5 seconds

Get ready to dive into the nostalgic pool of bittersweet memories with “Closer” by The Chainsmokers (ft. Halsey), an all-time favorite teenage love anthem.

Related:  10 Best R.E.M Love Songs of All Time, Ranked

This 2016 chart-topper captures the essence of those good old days, transporting you to a time of young love and carefree adventures. The infectious lyrics and catchy tune create an atmosphere of spontaneity and reflect the rollercoaster of emotions that come with teenage relationships.

“Closer” will surely take you on a thrilling ride you won’t forget, making it a well-deserved number 8 on our list of the best Teenage Love Songs!

9. “7 rings” – Ariana Grande (2019)

Album art
🎵 Song Name: 7 rings
🧑 Artist: Ariana Grande
💿 Album: thank u, next
📅 Release Date: 2019
🕒 Song Duration: 2 minutes 59 seconds

Ah, “7 rings” by Ariana Grande, a catchy anthem from her 2019 album “thank u, next.” Ranked at number 9 out of 10 on our list of best Teenage Love Songs, it’s a celebration of friendship and self-love, blending lavish materialism with a dose of empowerment. With its hypnotic beat, Ariana sings about embracing her independence and enjoying the finer things in life.

So while it might not be your conventional teenage love ballad, “7 rings” still resonates with its message of treasuring the love we have for ourselves and our closest companions.

10. “Just the Way You Are” – Bruno Mars (2010)

Album art
🎵 Song Name: Just the Way You Are
🧑 Artist: Bruno Mars
💿 Album: Doo-Wops & Hooligans
📅 Release Date: 2010
🕒 Song Duration: 3 minutes 41 seconds

Just the Way You Are” by Bruno Mars is a heartwarming ode to the power of teenage love. In this infectious 2010 hit from the album “Doo-Wops & Hooligans,” Mars serenades his sweetheart, emphasizing that she’s perfect in his eyes just the way she is.

The catchy melodies and genuine lyrics capture the essence of young love, making it an unbeatable anthem for a generation of hopeless romantics. With its celebration of both inner and outer beauty, “Just the Way You Are” truly deserves its spot at number 10 on our list of the best teenage love songs.